Supporting Music Education In Decatur, IL
Engaging audiences, Educating generations, Supporting musicians
Music education is vital to the future of symphonic music, hence, the strong emphasis the Symphony Orchestra Guild of Decatur (SOGD) gives in its mission statement to supplementing music education in Decatur, Illinois and area schools.
The Power of Music
All too often in today’s schools, the music education curriculum is either eliminated or reduced during budget cuts. Yet, many administrators do not realize the power of music in the lives of children.
Research shows that students who participate in instrumental music receive a host of benefits, including:
- Enhanced academic skills in math, science, and language arts
- Higher marks in standardized tests than those who have no music involvement regardless of socioeconomic background
- A strengthened link between brain neurons
- New spatial reasoning
- Improved self-discipline, dexterity, coordination, self-confidence, self-esteem, thinking and listening skills, creative abilities, and personal expression
In today’s technological world, there is a great need for school administrators to understand that everybody needs music.
No child should be left behind musically.
In today’s technological world, there is a great need for school administrators to understand that everybody needs music.
No child should be left behind musically.
How the Guild Supports Music Education

Music Scholarships
For more than 40 years, SOGD has supported young area musicians with scholarships for private music lessons and summer music camps. More than 670 students have won scholarships worth more than $340,000.

Decatur Youth Symphony Orchestra
The Decatur Youth Symphony Orchestra (DYSO) is an organization that offers a full orchestral experience to talented area students in grades 6-12. The DYSO is sponsored by the Symphony Orchestra Guild of Decatur and Millikin University.

Young Artist Competition Winners
Each season, the MDSO offers opportunities for young artists to perform as soloists. Millikin University holds an annual Concerto/Aria Competition from which a small group of talented musicians are selected.

Instrument Library
The Symphony Orchestra Guild of Decatur and the Decatur Public Schools Foundation provide grants to support the Instrument Library.
These grants combined with instrument donations from individuals in our community have helped build a library of over 180 instruments that are “on loan” to music students in Decatur, IL.

Live Performances in Schools
The Symphony Orchestra Guild funds “live” performances by outstanding professional ensembles throughout the year for area schools.
During live performances, students are not only exposed to the sight and sounds of the different ensemble instruments, but they hear different types of music repertoire.
Support Our Efforts
Supplementing music education in the Decatur community is a large part of the Symphony Guild of Decatur’s mission, and is of great importance to the survival of future symphonic music and audiences.